9466982612 9811363236

German Structure Decoration Services

A??frame??tent,??the??widths??are??from??3??meters??to??60??meters??with??fully??modular??design,??allowing??them??to ?? ?? extend to??unlimited??lengths??in??increments??of??3??meters??or??5??meters.??And??there??are??massive??optional accessories,??including??wooden??flooring??system,??glass??walls,??solid??ABS??walls,??soft??PVC??sidewalls??with clear??windows,??glass??doors,??door??canopies,??rain??gutters,??roof??linings??and??walls??drapes,??ramps,??racks,??etc. Over 15-year experience in tent field for our Engineers, we are professional and you save worry and save trouble. All Carpa Tents are engineered to reduce operation and managing expenses, with superior energy efficiency, let you spend every penny worth.High quality material and accurate design makes tents durable, safe, and makes erection and disassembly easy and fast. We welcome your visiting to our factory before order, we feedback every producing progress after order, and we do careful inspection before shipment, and we welcome your on-site inspection.

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