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How To Know If You're In The Right Place To Go After Bio Fuel Fireplace

bio ethanol fireplace indoor Fuel Fireplaces

bioethanol Corner Fireplace fireplaces are distinguished by a vibrant, orange flame and do not require a chimney or flue in order to operate. This allows them to be placed where traditional gas fires can't be because of their position.

If properly used, a bio ethanol fire is extremely safe. But, like any fireplace it's important to read the instructions and guidelines carefully.

No Smoke

Unlike traditional wood-burning fires or gas fires that require flues for operation bio ethanol fires-ethanol fireplaces don't require chimneys. Bio ethanol fireplaces emit very minimal harmful gases during their combustion, making them suitable for homes that are located in Smoke Control Areas.

small bioethanol fire fuel is a source of water, steam and carbon dioxide when it is burned which means that when you fire up your bioethanol fireplace, it will not produce any smoke or soot. It is important to check that no household items have fallen into the fuel container during operation.

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